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Why A Specialist Law Firm Means Lower Legal Costs

There are a number of benefits that flow from instructing a law firm with specialist expertise.

The legal cost benefit arises out of the fact that the amount of time a solicitor spends on a case forms the basis of his / her charge and so the more time spent on the case, the greater the solicitor’s charge.

More time will be spent on a case when:

  • It requires greater skill and specialised knowledge; and / or
  • It is particular complex, difficult or novel.

But a specialist solicitor (i.e. one that practises exclusively in a limited number of discreet practice areas) will already possess the greater skill and specialised knowledge and is less likely to find a case in those practice areas as complex, difficult or novel. In the circumstances, the specialist solicitor will provide his / her advice, and carry out tasks on your behalf, in less time and so his / her overall charge will be less than that of another, less specialist solicitor having the same hourly rate.

We are specialists in our practice areas so feel free to contact us for more information about our approach to legal costs.